Are You Aware Of The Debate Of Speech Recognition Vs. Voice Recognition?

Speech Recognition Vs. Voice Recognition?There has been a notable proliferation in the application of automatic speech recognition systems all over the world in recent times. If you are in the transcription profession, you will know how important it is to convert the audio files into textual format. You will have numerous clients, and each wants the work flawless but in a short time. If you think logically, then you will realize it is not possible to do these types of work in a limited time. That’s is why the concept of automation will bring much relief to your work pressure. 

Voice recognition and speech recognition

For the laymen, there is no difference between the two techniques of voice and speech recognition. It is just a way to convert the audio into text. But being a part of the work, you know well that there is a vast difference between the two.

  • Speech recognition: When you are using the computer or another machine for transcription purposes, the aim is to execute a manual job automatically through artificial intelligence. The software will be able to identify each word of a particular language in a statement. The voice can belong to anybody. Irrespective of the speaker, the program will understand the words and convert them into text. It will not take into account the parameters like accent or cadence.
  • Voice recognition: This procedure is entirely different from the speech recognition process. It uses a form of highly classified system where the software will be able to recognize the voice of a particular speaker. The engineers are using the highest form of artificial intelligence to develop such programs. It will have the potential to distinguish the voice of a person depending on the sound frequency, accent, pitch, and some other parameters. 

Voice recognition has immense use

Imagine how easy the transcription process will be when the artificial machine becomes more like a human assistant. During a conversation, the program can identify the particular voice f your client and note only the statements coming from that person. The High Grade Transcription Services can save much time by using such applications. You don’t have to listen to the same conversation again and again. The play-pause-rewind-play game becomes too much time consuming when it comes to the transcription of meeting discussions. The virtual assistant will not is a single word coming from the speaker. The transcription of the voice commands can help in developing the same commands in other languages too. 


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